Medical Cannabis – Research Links

Medical Cannabis Research Links to Scientific Studies about various Medical Conditions

There are many universities and research centres that are conducting scientific studies on cannabinoids and their effects on various diseases. The information here is up to date as of June 2022. Please do let us know if you read about any research articles which you think should be included. Please also let us know if any of the links no longer work. Please use the contact form.

Below are some examples of recent studies:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Delayed disease progression in ALS mice by treatment with a cannabinoid

Marijuana in the management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Cannabis Relieves Lou Gehrigs Symptoms

Alzheimer’s Disease

Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology by Cannabinoids

Marijuana Slows Alzheimer’s Decline

Cannabinoids reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in animals


Marijuana Extract Helps Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis, Cannabis based medicine eases pain and suppresses disease

Arthritis and Cannabis

Cancer – Breast

Suppression of Nerve Growth Factor Trk Receptors and Prolactin Receptors by
Endocannabinoids Leads to Inhibition of Human Breast and Prostate Cancer Cell

Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma

9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer through Cdc2 Regulation

Cannabidiol inhibits tumour growth in leukaemia and breast cancer in animal studies

Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells.

Cervical Cancer

Marijuana Ingredients Slow Invasion by Cervical and Lung Cancer Cells

Cannabidiol inhibits cancer cell invasion via upregulation of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1

Colorectal Cancer

Possible endocannabinoid control of colorectal cancer growth

The endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, induces cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells: a possible role for cyclooxygenase 2

The cannabinoid delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits RAS-MAPK and PI3KAKT survival signalling and induces BAD-mediated apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells

Glioma Cancer

Cannabinoids inhibit N-type calcium channels in neuroblastoma-glioma cells

Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells

Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids: involvement of sustained ceramide accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation

Inhibition of Glioma Growth in Vivo by Selective Activation of the CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor1

Cannabinoids Inhibit the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pathway in Gliomas

Cannabis extract makes brain tumors shrink, halts growth of blood vessels

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits cell cycle progression by downregulation of E2F1 in human glioblastoma multiforme cells

Cannabidiol Enhances the Inhibitory Effects of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Human Glioblastoma Cell Proliferation and Survival


Cannabinoids induce incomplete maturation of cultured human leukemia cells

Cannabis-induced cytotoxicity in leukemic cell lines: the role of the cannabinoid receptors and the MAPK pathway

Cannabidiol-Induced Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells : A Novel Role of Cannabidiol in the Regulation of p22phox and Nox4 Expression

Enhancing the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in leukemic cells through a combinatorial approach


Targeting CB2 cannabinoid receptors as a novel therapy to treat malignant lymphoblastic disease

Cannabinoid receptor ligands mediate growth inhibition and cell death in mantle cell lymphoma

Expression of cannabinoid receptors type 1 and type 2 in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: growth inhibition by receptor activation

Lung Cancer

In vivo effects of cannabinoids on macromolecular biosynthesis in Lewis lung carcinomas

Delta-9Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows


Cannabinoid receptors as novel targets for the treatment of melanoma

Cannabinoid receptor-1 modulation induces apoptosis of human melanoma cells

Pancreatic Cancer

Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumor Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes

Cannabinoids in pancreatic cancer: Correlation with survival and pain

Prostate Cancer

Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in human prostate PC-3 cells via a receptor-independent mechanism

Cannabinoid receptors agonist WIN-55,212-2 inhibits angiogenesis, metastasis and tumor growth of androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cell CWR22Rnu1 xenograft in athymic nude mice

Cancer – Undifferentiated

Cannabinoids: Potential Anticancer Agents

Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by cannabinoids

Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1

Cannabinoids for Cancer Treatment: Progress and Promise

Use of cannabinoid receptor agonists in cancer therapy as palliative and curative agents

Antitumorigenic Effects of Cannabinoids beyond Apoptosis


Cannabidiol lowers incidence of diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice

Neuroprotective and Blood-Retinal Barrier-Preserving Effects of Cannabidiol in Experimental Diabetes

Cannabidiol arrests onset of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice

Beneficial effects of a Cannabis sativa extract on diabetes induced neuropathy and oxidative stress

Further Reading

How and where to safely buy RSO medical cannabis oil online

Support and advise

If you need advice or help with medical cannabis please use the contact form provided. We try to answer all emails within 24 hours and are happy to help and advise on all aspects of medical cannabis treatments in complete confidence.

Disclaimer: Please note that whilst we consider ourselves subject matter experts regarding medical cannabis, we are not medical professionals. We are an information resource and there is still limited evidence that medical cannabis can cure all of the illnesses we discuss here. We recommend you do as much research as possible, and where practical seek professional medical advice before proceeding with cannabis oil.