About Mel Thomas
Cannabis Cure was founded by author and activist Mel Thomas in 2008. Sadly, Mel passed away in 2019 from natural causes and is sadly missed (RIP). We continue to keep up the good work that Mel started and will continue to do so until we are no longer needed.
As well as books, documentaries, and radio show appearances, Mel had written numerous articles for Weed World, Cannabis Culture, Grow magazine, and CannabisCure.
Mel was an outspoken critic of cannabis prohibition and was opposed to the restrictions placed on Medical Cannabis users, particularly as several of his family members suffer from conditions cannabis can alleviate, namely Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Syndrome, and cancer.
Mel authored several books over the years. All of the books are available via Amazon and help provide a small income to Mel’s family.
The Medical Cannabis Guidebook
The Medical Cannabis Guidebook is one of the most exhaustive guides to medicinal cannabis produced to date, with information regarding the types of illnesses and diseases that can be helped by cannabis, real case studies from medical users, grow information, legal advice, and more. With many recipes for extracts, descriptions of administration techniques, and discussions of the therapeutic uses of cannabis throughout the ages, it serves as a handbook for cannabis use and allows patients to make and grow their own medicine, dose correctly and educate themselves.

Shiva’ Broken Dream
The greatest story never told. Controversial, factual, and concise! Everything you ever wanted to know about the cannabis plant and more! Writer and activist Mel Thomas trace the history of cannabis from ancient times and its denied use by today’s orthodox religions through to the present-day prohibition laws and conspiracies. Shiva’s Broken Dream exposes the powerful religious lobbies, secret societies, and multi-national corporations who still actively campaign to keep cannabis illegal. Professionally researched and fully illustrated with full colour images throughout, this book takes the argument against cannabis prohibition to another level; a must-have for anyone interested in the cannabis plant and the global marijuana conspiracy. There is no question about it; the worldwide prohibition of cannabis is one of the most effective and profitable frauds carried out this century.

Cannabis Cultivation
One of the few grow books written by a commercial-scale grower, Cannabis Cultivation 3rd edition provides an insider’s look at how the professionals do it; fully updated and all in glorious colour. The previous edition’s sales topped 50,000.

European Cannabis Cultivation
European Cannabis Cultivation. This fully updated third edition is a comprehensive guide to the cultivation of cannabis covering everything the indoor or outdoor grower needs to know. This updated edition is the original European version of Cannabis Cultivation by Mel Thomas so if you already own that you may not wish to purchase this version as they are similar. It was the first British grow book ever published and quickly became an underground classic in the UK. Mel self-published the first edition in 2000 and had immense problems with the authorities over it, fortunately, things have progressed in Europe since then. 229 pages and over 70 full colour images.